Vision for SD

Purpose. Opportunity. Belonging.

A catalyst for change.

  • Purpose.

    I pursue a South Dakota where every resident feels empowered to be an active, engaged, and valued citizen of their community.

    Every South Dakotan's voice should be heard.

    I will work to:

    • Protect each eligible citizen's right to vote.

    • Ensure that our state government is accessible, transparent, and accountable to the people.

    • Secure the foundations of democracy and keep vigilant to uphold truth and justice.

  • Opportunity.

    South Dakota should be a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and build a robust life.

    I will work to:

    • Support living wages and benefits for all South Dakotans.

    • Provide access to quality, affordable healthcare for all South Dakotans.

    • Ensure exceptional pre-k through postsecondary education for all South Dakotans.

    • Expand economic and workforce development that supports individuals and families.

  • Belonging.

    "I pledge loyalty and support to the flag and State of South Dakota, land of sunshine, land of infinite variety."

    In addition to its patchwork geography, South Dakota is woven by people equally as representative of its diversity.

    I will work to:

    • Protect South Dakotans from all forms of discrimination.

    • Ensure that the Očeti Šakówin people and lands are respected and honored.

    • Solidify South Dakota as a place where our youth will choose to build their lives for generations to come.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

Interested in getting involved? Do you have a vision for South Dakota?

Connect with me and let’s share our ideas!